
Majestatea Sa Margareta, Custode al Coroanei României

H.M. Margareta, Crown Princess and Custodian of the Crown of Romania 

 born 26 March 1946

Alteța Sa Regală Radu, Principe al României

His Royal Highness Radu,

The Prince Consort of Romania

born 7 June 1960

Kings of the House of Glyksborg:

1st reign

1927 – 1930


2nd reign

 1940 – 1947

The above list includes all the dynastic members of the present royal family. After former King Michael I, the line will not continue with the German Hohenzollern genus. In fact, this private statute only allows explicitly only direct descendants of King Michael. Unlike the old inheritance rules, the German Hohenzolls are no longer mentioned as potential heirs.

King Parent's daughter Irina (Walker) - born in 1953. On October 29, 2014, King MIchael changed the succession and removed Irina's royal titles and removed her and her two children from the succession.